Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sheep On My Travels

I like all farm animals.  There is one particular flock of sheep that I pass on a regular basis on one of the back roads to a school I frequent.  There must be several hundred adults, and I can imagine it must have been quite something, when all the lambs were still with their mamas.  A few days ago, I remembered my camera in the morning, so got an opportunity to snap a few shots on the way home.  Unfortunately I only had a few snaps, when the 'change batteries' warning came on.  Of course I don't come that well prepared, so that was the end of the photo shoot for that day.

There are a couple of other species in the same field.  The donkey you see is actually quite lame, I assume elderly.  As well there are a couple of llamas, who were too far off in the distance, and only came up after the batteries had expired.

The Daily Quest

This is a new daily feature on The Musical Gardener blog. Below is a question, or puzzle that will change day by day. Do not use the comment section of the blog for your answer.

Answer to Yesterday's Puzzle:  Tomorrow

Today's Puzzle:
Spelling Diktashun

 Which of the following options is the correct spelling:

a) licence
b) lisense
c) license
d) liscence

Please respond with your answer to the email below. I apologize but you will have to type my email address in manually (I'm attempting to avoid spammers).
Don't forget my Musical Gardener Contest
And that is about all I have to say for today.

Musings and meanderings from the Musical Gardener.


  1. Great pics of the sheep. We pass by a fairly large flock quite often, too. They also have a donkey and some llamas in with them. The donkey and llamas are to chase coyotes and wolves away.

  2. Chance and I would love some sheep..it would keep us busy all day long:)


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