Monday, November 14, 2011

Joseph, The Final Week

Way back in September I mentioned that our family had joined the cast of Joseph and the Amazing Technocoloured Dreamcoat, that one of the local churches is putting on as a fund raiser.  Well we are down to the wire.  Performances are Friday and Saturday this coming weekend.  Yesterday we spent the entire day in rehearsal - that was a grueling session.  Originally this commitment started out as just being part of a choir, and then suddenly two weeks ago it was decided that the men (Joseph's brothers) needed to have everything off paper and we would be full blown, costumed actors.  That's probably fine for the young bucks, but us old geezers are in trouble - there are so many lines, and so many words per line, and so many difficult, tongue twisting phrases to try and smash into our failing cerebellums.

Red, yellow, brown, green, scarlet, black, ochre, peach, ruby, olive, violet, lilac, chocolate, cream, silver, azure, russet, purple, pink, red, yellow, brown, green, scarlet, black, ochre, peach, ruby, olive, violet, lilac gold, chocolate, mauve, cream and crimson, and silver,and  rose, and azure and lemon, and russet and grey and purple and white and pink and orange and blue There, try committing that short list to memory at breakneck speed. Come on, I dare you!

Thank goodness we have an amazing Joseph and Narrator to pull off the performance.

The ladies, who are the supporting choir with Joseph in his coat.

Joseph interacting with his brothers, yours truly in green, forefront.

We men frantically trying to memorize notes and music, oh yes and words!
The ladies not so frantically trying to read - yep they get to keep their books.

Youngest as a hairy Ishmaelite.

Erma, the camel and her hairy Ishmaelite drovers
The seven fat cows

Pharoah aka Elvis wailing his dreams.

The brethren, that's me on the left, frantically trying to remember my next word.

The Daily Quest

This is a new daily feature on The Musical Gardener blog. Below is a question, or puzzle that will change day by day. Do not use the comment section of the blog for your answer.

Answer to Yesterday's Puzzle:  Praying hands

Today's Puzzle:

 I never was, am always to be. 
No one ever saw me, nor ever will. 
And yet I am the confidence of all, 
To live and breath on this terrestrial ball. 
What am I?

Please respond with your answer to the email below. I apologize but you will have to type my email address in manually (I'm attempting to avoid spammers).
Don't forget my contest - Musical Gardener Contest
And that is about all I have to say for today.

Musings and meanderings from the Musical Gardener.


  1. It looks like a lot of work, but also a lot of fun. Break a leg!

  2. Woo hoo! Darn, Arleen beat me to it, but I'll say it anyway: Break a leg!!

  3. I know how to help you: Actually, in the original language, it was not the word for many colored coat at all. The word actually means it was a coat with long sleeves. Insert that short phrase for any color in the script, and you'll probably be fine! At least theologically correct. :)

  4. I for one know how much work goes into a production like that but what fun it can be too!!! I just adore the musical.

    God bless and have a great performance!!!!

  5. I really liked this show.
    I'm sure you'll look back and be very satisfied with what you did.
    What is it they say when they want you to have a good show "break a leg?"

  6. We watch the video of this many times a year when television is bad. I really appreciate seeing all the colors spelled out in color. My brain tries to sing this song and I never get too far into it.


Much appreciated comments from my friends: