Wednesday afternoon I was doing some weeding in the gardens, and I noted the above blossom. It's an iris - again about three months out of season. Those of you from southern climes will not see this as unusual, as flower shops sell irises as rebloomers. Here in Canada, a rebloomer is a rare occurrence. I can think of three times that tall bearded irises sent out a fall stalk. And remember I'm talking eighteen years, with anywhere between fifty and two hundred varieties -- figure it out, the odds are not great.
The above three photos are my daylilies. I know these are just season ending blooms, but since none of them have had blossoms for several weeks, I thought them photo-worthy - the last hurrah for the season.

The last photo is my delphinium. Actually I know on good years, if you deadhead after the first flush, they will sometimes send out a half-hearted second attempt. Now to be honest, these are actually two new plants purchased late in the season - dried out and uninteresting to most customers. A good soaking, replanting in bigger pots, with lots of compost and voila.... a new lease on life and a pleasant show of thanks for my TLC.
And that is about all I have to say for today.
Musings and meanderings from the Musical Gardener.
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