Friday, July 29, 2011

The Vegetable Bounty

Dad always maintained that you started to live, once the garden started producing in earnest.  While it is still not the calibre of the market garden we used to grow on the farm, my loads of manure this spring are showing handsome results.  Well that and ideal rain and heat conditions.

Fresh veggies on the supper table do add a whole new dimension flavour-wise.  Is there anything better than marble sized potatoes slathered in butter?

I wish I had planted more peas, as there are just enough to tease.  I did plant another package last week and they are all up nicely - now to see if we have enough time to get a fall crop in.  I figured the price of a package of seed is a pretty good gamble for a few meals of peas in October.

The tomatoes are getting some fine green fruit on them, but I didn't get them in early enough to have ripened love apples yet.  Can't wait for those big Brandywines and Beefsteaks, cut into 1/2 inch slices, on rye bread, with mayo, peanut butter and lots of fresh cracked pepper.

Gold Bar Zucchini, great in stir fries

Tomatillo - first time growing them, apparently ideal for salsa

Lincoln Homesteader peas

Green and waxed beans
Red Chieftan gems

And that is about all I have to say for today.

Musings and meanderings from the Musical Gardener.

1 comment:

  1. I'm jealous. My paltry container gardens have not produced enough to pay for the dirt and containers. What with the birds, ground squirrel, and the oppressive dry blazing heat of the desert, well . . .


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