Monday, July 18, 2011

Scenes From Our Recent Walks

The missus and I are walkers.  We've have always walked just for daily exercise to some extent (okay I know there are too many days, that walk was just from the couch to the fridge).  This year though we've gone to expanding our horizons, walking-wise.  We don't do it every day, but we have been plodding 10K + on a lot of days recently.  A couple of times, I took the camera with me; I should do it every time I know.  Often we just take the same route, but a few times we have ventured into new territory.  The nice thing about rural Ontario, is that you can meander many different quiet country roads, and you'll eventually arrive back home.

These first two shots are a couple of weeks back.  It was a stinkin hot, muggy day, and I am somewhat ashamed to admit we accepted a ride for the last three kilometres, as the rain started to pummel us.  This shot is at the halfway mark.  I had hoped to get the Highland cows up close and personal (they were the prime target of our journey), but alas they were off in the distant shade.

The next four shots were another hot sticky day, and I did this one solo.  Missus likes to stick to the roads.  I like traversing the bush, myself.  This is a few miles back behind our house - yes it is posted private property - since I take nothing but photos and leave nothing but footprints - I have allowed myself the self righteous luxury of trespassing!  You figure out the ethics there for yourself - I've okayed it with self.

This pond is a natural haven.  I'm not sure there are many who even know of its existence, and whether it is man-made or natural I am not certain.  There does not seem to be any stream flowing into it, so it must be spring-fed -- of course my next question would be, does it have any fish - but remember my "take nothing but photos" philosophy.

Anyway, it is an unspoiled beauty.  It was just me and the mosquitoes and deer flies - did I mention mosquitoes and deerflies?  Let's just say I had lots of company on my solo venture.

From the south marshy side

On the north shore.

And that is about all I have to say for today.

Musings and meanderings from the Musical Gardener.


  1. Love these photos! Those naughty cattle in the stream. I love Highland cattle. And the last photo is lovely. Well, they all are!


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