I just finished weeding the veggie garden. The seeds and tubers have only been in the ground since the 23rd, so a lot are just nicely germinated or sprouted. I'd have needed a pontoon boat to have planted any earlier. However the weeds have got a good head start on my domestic plants. Well I should say they '
had' a good start. Most are lying there gasping their final breath, as the hot sun sucks the life juices from their decapitated little bodies. At least that is the plan. I find weeds can be amazingly resilient. But at least I can say I've gone through the garden once. Pretty decent germination on most things. The green beans are spotty, but still coming, the parsnips are quite sporadic, but then I know they can be up to three weeks germinating. I'm kind of excited, I have fennel plants up - this is a new crop for me. I'm assuming it will be somewhat like celery in its growth patterns and needs.
I want you to notice in the photos the presence of much organic matter in my soil (translate to horse, cow and goat poop). I am so hoping it will produce a better crop than the last few years. Note to potential homeowners - never buy property from which the topsoil has been previously stripped. I must say though that it has presented me with a challenge, that I feel I am winning. I think the flowerbeds are testament to greatly improved soil conditions.
As you view my photos of my veggie plants, you must keep an open mind. Remember the mighty oak emerges from a tiny acorn. You will have to use your imagination to envision the cornucopia of produce that will cascade forth this summer and fall. Gardeners truly are the greatest of dreamers.
Not yet, but it will be! |
Yellow zucchini |
Dutch Set onions |
Yellow Wax beans |
Red Chieftan potatoes |
Homesteader peas |
And that is about all I have to say for today.
Musings and meanderings from the Musical Gardener.
Your future holds an abundance of tasty meals. Good luck with the weeds, mine are very healthy this year due to so much rain. However, I am keeping up on them, not using chemicals, just a garden tool.