I've picked up quite a few late season clematis plants in the last couple of years. Why pay $25.00 in the spring when the same plants will be on sale in July/August for a fraction of that. The next spring you won't know the difference.
I am impressed with the huge range of colours in hardy stock that are now available. I grew up with the old standard purple Jackmanii outside the farmhouse door, and unless I'm mistaken I think it is still going some thirty plus years later.
The big thing with Clematis is establishing them that first winter. They do not like to freeze their little roots too severely that first year. I would mulch and make sure there is a good snow covering over the newly established plants. But once they are established they are amazingly hardy. A cold winter may take them back to ground level for new growth, but a mild winter like the last one, saw buds all the way up the old vines this spring.
Do not attempt to move or split an established clematis - they do not take kindly to the process, no matter how careful you are. Go out and buy a few new ones later in the season. I also like to combine contrasting colours in the same hole.
General Sikorski |
Westerplate |
Bee's Jubilee |
Two contrasting varieties - General Sikorski and Bees Jubilee |
Comtesse de Bouchard |
Polish Spirit |
And that is about all I have to say for today.
Musings and meanderings from the Musical Gardener.
I like that you can get ones that bloom in spring and others that bloom in different months of the summer. They always give off a spectacular presentation.