But my irises showed such promise this spring (after several years of languishing in lugubrious depression) in their new home, that I built three more raised beds. See The Newest Iris Bed . Whilst I was in construction, that fateful craving returned........I must have more!
So it was off to Schreiners Iris Gardens to have a looksee. Temptation city! They've come up with so many more new and interesting colour combinations, and styles..... I must have them all.
I made a tentative wishlist and then narrowed it down to my 13 favourites (I had about 16 available spots). When you order from Schreiners, they generously include a few bonus varieties as well.
The box arrived on Friday, just prior to us leaving for the weekend .... I almost stayed home (if you believe that, I have a parcel of cypress trees in the everglades you might be interested in......).
So just like Christmas morning, I ripped open my package.
Spread them all over the ground to see if everyone was there. Aha, four bonuses.... Schreiners loves me.
I made up new labels. In a former life I worked for Dupont, who manufacture engineered polymers. Part of their testing process, involved molding polymer paddles which they then subjected to various forms of torture, to test their durability and strength. I also discovered they could be used as indestructible plant markers. You have to buy yourself a cattle ear-tag permanent marker and then you can indelibly record your plant varieties and your grandchildren's grandchildren, should theoretically be able to identify what's growing in your garden.
Now just in case you have a problem with that method, I also have a backup plan. I collect nice smooth little river rocks that fit in the palm of your hand. I use signpainters paint, and put the names on each little stone as well. So hopefully I have a fool proof identification system. Even sign painter's paint, which has great longevity does need to be touched up every few years though - it's our harsh Canadian winters.
Finally it was time to put the new rhizomes in their final resting place - sounds so funereal.
I actually bury the toes of my rhizomes when planting. Everything you read says not to, but I've had too many pulled out by little critters digging for bonemeal, or heaved out by frost that first winter. I find, when they start to grow, they always find their correct level anyway. I would much rather sacrifice bloom that first season, and have everybody survive. The first winter is the hardest and then, other than iris borers, once established irises are pretty indestructible.
So here are the finished beds. Note I moved extablished plants from my other beds in between each new one, just so I have some display in these beds next spring.
And there you have it. Would you like a sneak peak at what I might experience next spring?
And now you better understand my addiction.
And that is about all I have to say for today.
Musings and meanderings from the Musical Gardener.
Wow, those irises are FANTASTIC!! Can't wait to see pics next year!